Earn money online with micro freelancing jobs

Do, you know what is micro jobs? It is the small freelancing jobs. like sign up with a website, commenting on you tube or blog, visit a website,participating in forums, installing or downloading some applications, bookmarking a sites, review of a product, commenting on yahoo answers, classified ad posting, write an article and many more small tasks.

These are the easiest jobs to do. No, more skill is needed, however you need little knowledge about internet.These jobs are provided by the employers who need some help to get traffic to their website or blog.

As, a worker you can help them to completing their tasks and earn some cash online freely . Anyone can do this work. You can be a stay at home mom, a student who needs some extra money or if you love to help others while making some money.

Now, I am going to give you a site where number of tasks available for you every day. Each task you complete, you can earn $0.08 to $1 . That site is microworkers.com

Before, you are going to accept any task read their instruction carefully. If you think, you can complete a particular task then accept it, otherwise leave it and go for another task. After, completing the task provide the valid information which is asked by the employers.

Once you reach minimum $9, then you can apply for cashout. Before cashout they will mail a pin to your address  and you have enter the pin in your withdraw option. Make sure that you have provided your real address otherwise pin can not be mail to you.

Now You can join with two micro freelancing sites by clicking link below.


Find similar micro freelancing site to earn money by completing small tasks.

Rapidworkers, minijobz, clickchores, jobboy

Another site which offers the different tasks to earn money is crowdflower. But the tasks here is bit complicated.

Tasks are likely to identify the author name of an article or find the phone number of  people from their facebook profile.

But crowdflower measures your accuracy from the task you have completed. If your accuracy below 80% then they might disqualify you and will not provide further tasks to complete. It categorizes its employee into 3 labels.  Like label 1 ,2,3 .  If you will reach label 3 then you might get lot of tasks to complete.

Once you joined with crowdflower you might be considered as Label 1 employee and then once your accuracy of doing work is above 80% then you will get more tasks to complete. If you have completed 100 tasks correctly then you will enter into label 3 at that point you will receive huge tasks everyday.

How to reach Label 3?

First Sign up with crowdflower. You can register name with crowdflower  via any ptc site like clixsense. They have tasks. just click any task you want to complete and it will redirect you to the crowdflower website. There you can sign up or you can direct go to their website for free registration.


Once your registration completed you can do some easy tasks to maintain your accuracy 80% above. Now if you completed 100 tasks with accuracy 80% above then you will be label 3 employee and then you can expect lot of tasks to earn more money.

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