Best movies with shocking/surprising endings?

Here’s my personal top 5 in no particular order. I will not spoil the endings in case you haven’t seen them, so scroll without fear:

1. Fight Club
A future classic, that questions our modern lifestyles and is fun to watch with a group of friends. Will definitely leave you thinking about it for quite some time.

Interesting fact: In the short scene when Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are drunk and hitting golf balls, they really are drunk, and the golf balls are sailing directly into the side of the catering truck.

2. Oldboy (the 2003 release)

An alcoholic man is kidnapped and imprisoned in a room for 15 years. Then one day he is released without any explanation, only to find that he must find his captor in 5 days. An exciting South Korean thriller, with fantastic actor performances, some of the best fighting scences and a shocking plot twist. Definitely recommend.

3. Shutter Island

This mystery thriller will definitely send a few shivers down the spine. Beautiful cinematography and a captivating story that starts as a typical detective, but ends up being a total mind f*ck.

4. The Usual Suspects

Winning 2 Oscars, this mystery crime drama is a true classic when it comes to plot twists. This story about 5 con artists, told from the perspective of the sole survivor, will make you question the identity and true intentions of every character with every new detail revealed in the story.

5. Star Wars: The Empire Strike Back

Say whatever you want, but the plot twist in this film probably had the highest cultural impact, inspired countless parodies and defined the rule of not discussing films in the cinema loudly after seeing them to prevent giant spoilers.

Interesting fact: The shots where Luke uses his Jedi powers to retrieve his lightsaber from a distance were achieved by having Mark Hamill throw the lightsaber away and then running the film in reverse.

6. Memento. It has a twist ending at the beginning. It has a twist in the first scene which is the end of the story. I'm not being clear here am I? See, the last scene is the first one . . . and the first is the last.  This is one twisted flick!

7. The Others. A good film in the Ghost genre without the twist ending. With it you move into 'great' territory.

8. Planet Of The Apes. I was a kid when this came out and I remember the hubbub surrounding the final shot.

9. Soylent Green. Somewhat dated now, but at the time of its release this film made audiences gasp with its famous last line.

10. Swimming Pool. A good erotic thriller. I know some people who thought the ending was a bit of a cop-out, but I liked it.

11. Chinatown. You are 3/4 of the way through this film thinking that there's no way all the loose ends can be tied together and a few minutes later a scene between Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway wraps it all up in a nice, tight package.

12. Rosemary's Baby. It's not so much who or what the baby is, but that Rosemary loves her child. That's the shocker.

13. The Sting. The final twist didn't surprise me as much as an earlier subplot regarding the identity of an assassin out to kill Robert Redford.


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